The VisualTrader Map display is based on measurements. A
measurement can be any dynamic indication of movement, such
as Trend, Change in Trend, Change in Volume, Volatility, Price
Change, or any other formula based on price information. In the
map, cylinders depict the values of measurements by assigning
them to Height, Width, and Color. This visualization provides a
clear picture of what the market is doing.
With VisualTrader's measurements, it is easy to identify profitable
situations. For example, if most of the cylinders are red, but one
Industry Group is starting to turn green, that group is likely to be the
leader in a new rally. VisualTrader gives you the Big Picture!
A popular visualization is the Trend with Changes in Trend. It depicts
the strength of the current trend as the height of each cylinder. For
the colors, it measures the acceleration which tends to lead the
movements in the underlying stock. The coloration helps you stay
ahead of the market, by instantly showing emerging strength and
weakness across the entire map.